Our Primary and Elementary schools both follow behavior and social expectations spelled out through the word BEARS. B is for Be Responsible, E is for Empathize, A is Achieve, R is for Respect All, and S is for Show Citizenship. We use these reminders throughout each building to help keep our students and staff safe and orderly during the day!
Our Kindergarten and 1st grade students enjoyed "BEARS Way Day" to practice these expectations in their building! They spent the day traveling to different areas of the school where they practiced the right way and wrong way of doing things so they could learn these expectations. Students who completed their map and had it signed by a guardian earned their very first BEAR buck! You can see pictures from "BEARS Way Day" by clicking here.
At both schools, students who are following our BEARS expectations can earn a BEAR buck from any staff member! They can then use their BEAR bucks to shop at the BEAR store!