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Third Grade Teachers:
JaNell Aplin
Brooke Burger
Sheila Phillips
Taylor Nelson
Emily Tripple
Karen Vail
Katie Patterson
Welcome parents and students to Third Grade at Yocum Elementary! Our team is so excited for this year and a new adventure of learning for our third graders!
Third grade will be a big year for your child! There will be many academic milestones as they become more independent in their learning. This will also be their first year for state testing.
During the upcoming year, your child will grow immensely academically, as well as socially and emotionally.
In Third Grade, students transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” We will focus on shared reading, in which students will follow along as the teacher reads a text and demonstrates an important reading skill. Students will also have an opportunity to enjoy reading in a small group based on their reading level, which will give them a chance to work more closely with the teacher.
Students will attend the Library once a week and will be able to check out a book. Encourage your child to read at home as much as possible, and ask them questions to get them talking and excited about what they are reading.
Students will also learn a range of writing styles this year while implementing standard grammar rules and conventions, as well as working on enhancing their decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) of more complex words.
In math, your child will start using abstract thinking skills as they work with three-digit numbers and use their understanding of place value, which helps with addition and subtraction and is the foundation for rounding, multiplying, and dividing that students will learn in third grade. In science, students will do more advanced work as they make predictions and learn to read graphs and charts.
Third Grade is a BIG year in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) at Yocum! We focus on applying our reading skills to learn more about weather and climate, the impact and traits of animal and plant life cycles, as well as engaging with these topics to develop and build 21st century career skills. Skills such as cooperation, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. Our third grade teachers make sure we have a serious amount of fun while we do all of this serious learning!
All children grow and gain skills at different rates. We will work together to make sure your child thrives this year!