Second, third and fourth grade students spent the day at Camp Yocum! This year we have been working on behavior goals schoolwide using "The BEARS Path to Success." Each student was given a trail map for the day and as a class they visited different locations around the school. At each location, students were given the opportunity to practice the behavior expectation for that area. They modeled the wrong way to be in that area and then showed the park rangers the right way to do it! After successfully completing the expectations at each area, they were given a stamp on their trail map. At the end of the day, students who filled up their trail map with stamps were given a prize. We enjoyed a day full of fun while learning and reinforcing our behavior expectations. The cafeteria provided camp food for lunch and the school was decorated in a camping theme. Be sure to ask your student about all they learned during Camp Yocum! You can view a full album of pictures here.

Camp Yocum
December 14, 2022