Check out these dates
8 days ago, Sara Bullard
kinder tours
kinder tours
Please read
14 days ago, Sara Bullard
no phones
First Grade Field Trip
28 days ago, Sara Bullard
First Grade Field Trip
PJ Day - Tomorrow
28 days ago, Sara Bullard
pj day
Boys and Girls Club Baseball information
28 days ago, Sara Bullard
boys and girls club
Youth Baseball
28 days ago, Sara Bullard
baseball form
PJ Day - This Friday
about 1 month ago, Sara Bullard
pj day
🐊🐊Gator of the week!! 🐊🐊 Grayson Smith Mrs. Lewis's room 3rd Grade We are so proud of Grayson! 💚🐊💚 To be considered for Gator of the Week students must exemplify the following characteristics: -Well mannered -Excellent behavior inside and outside of the classroom -Respectful -Diligent student -Works hard -Responsible -Shows outstanding character traits, such as compassion, integrity, kindness, loyalty, trustworthiness, etc -Has good attendance -Assists others in need
about 1 month ago, Sara Bullard
about 1 month ago, Sara Bullard
dismissal time
about 1 month ago, Sara Bullard
Due to the forecast for a possible winter storm, ESD will dismiss early tomorrow, January 9th, at 1:00 pm. A decision will be made later about Friday as the forecast develops. We encourage everyone to stay safe!
about 1 month ago, Rachelle Crawford
about 2 months ago, Sara Bullard
Christmas Break
Hurricane Helene Relief Drive
4 months ago, Sara Bullard
Hurricane Helene Relief Drive
Please read! Tomorrow night
4 months ago, Sara Bullard
Report to the Public
5 months ago, Jesica Collins
Parents! We will be sending out another round of invites to parents to set up their Guardian Rooms account tomorrow, Sept 10th via email and/or text! If you have not logged into your account yet, please be sure to keep an eye on your inbox/texts tomorrow. Please review our Rooms FAQs page on our website for more information.
5 months ago, El Dorado School District
Rooms info graphic
Gator Gazette - September 2024
5 months ago, Sara Bullard
Please read
5 months ago, Sara Bullard
t shirt timeline
Important info
6 months ago, Sara Bullard
car tag