Our 4th graders got to visit Washington Middle School today in preparation for next year!
12 months ago, Yocum Elementary
Today, elementary students across the district participated in Spring Book Break! They read "Nigel and the Moon" by Antwan Eady, talked about careers and what they wanted to be when they grow up, and even received a copy of the book from the El Dorado Education Foundation! Thank you, EDEF, for providing each of our elementary students with a copy! Check out Yocum students K-2 reading the book together!
12 months ago, El Dorado School District
Check out Yocum's May newsletter: https://www.smore.com/7qscv
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
This week in Library, students are reading a book about bubbles and then spending some time blowing some of their own!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
kids blowing bubbles
kids blowing bubbles
kids blowing bubbles
kids blowing bubbles
kids blowing bubbles
Ms. Rivas' 4th grade students took reading outside to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
kids on the ground reading
kids on the ground reading
kids on the ground reading
kids on the ground reading
Congratulations on a positive office referral!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
student holding a paper
Thank you Lisa Tarver for coming to teach some of our 2nd graders about photography and letting them take their own pictures!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
student using a camera
adult and two kids with a camera
student using a camera
Great job to these Yocum Bears on their positive office referrals!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
student holding paper
student holding paper
student holding paper
Thank you Bobby, Elaysia, A'Jadice and Layne for being great leaders at our school! They spent time with our School Board today and were great ambassadors!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
four students in matching Yocum shirts
Congratulations to Shea Lee and Megan Moorewood on being chosen as April's Tech Heroes!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
two adults holding a certificate
two adults holding a certificate
Mrs. Barnett's second graders have an egg-citing day ahead as their chicks begin to hatch!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
an egg with a pip
two students looking into an incubator
Congratulations to these students on being chosen as artists of the month!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
picture of a snake
hand drawn self portrait
drawn sunflowers
Check out Yocum's April newsletter: https://www.smore.com/xwkd2
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
Congratulations to this month's tech heroes - Jamie Fife, 1st grade teacher and Leia Hickmott, Math Facilitator!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
three adults, one holding a certificate
three adults, one holding a certificate
We had a day of celebrations! Great job to these students on their positive office referrals and to Alex Green on meeting his goal of knowing all his letters!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
students holding papers
student standing by bell
Mr. Ander's classes are helping clean up the flower beds around our outdoor classroom!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
students planting
students planting
Mr. Ander's classes are helping clean up the flower beds around our outdoor classroom!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
students planting
students planting
Our students are loving the sunshine!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
students playing on the playground
Congratulations to these Yocum Bears on their positive office referrals today!
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
child holding paper
child holding paper
We had a fun morning with some guest readers! Thank you for joining us.
about 1 year ago, Yocum Elementary
adult reading a book
adult reading a book